DIY dry shampoo

DIY dry shampoo

Dry shampoo is one of the easiest DIY products to make and works just as well as the conventional ones I used to buy. It’s also significantly cheaper and as a bonus, you’ll most likely have all the ingredients you’ll need at home already.

I looked up the ingredients of the aerosol version I used to buy and found a whole range of chemicals that are completely unnecessary and potentially harmful. These include petroleum derived ingredients, some that are restricted in other countries, some that are allergens and some that can aggravate skin issues. Now I know better, these are no longer ingredients I want to be using in my home.


DIY dry shampoo


What you’ll need:


¼ cup arrowroot flour or corn flour

Cocoa or cacao powder (if you have dark hair)

3 drops lavender or rosemary essential oil (optional)


How to make it:


Add flour into a small jar or container. If you have dark hair, stir in small amounts of cacao powder until you reach the desired colour to match your hair. Stir through essential oils if using. I like to add lavender and rosemary oils because they support healthy hair growth.

To use, store in a small shaker and shake onto roots as required. Alternatively you use an old makeup brush to brush into your roots.

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Hi, I'm Phoebe!

I teach people how to reduce the number of harmful ingredients they use in their homes and replace them with safe, natural alternatives. I am an educator, a mother of two young girls and a nature lover!

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